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Discover the island’s most intriguing places

From towers dating back hundreds of years and a lighthouse built to safeguard maritime traffic, to 350-year-old salt-pans that are still used today, the island is scattered with truly picturesque sites. These places speak of Gozo’s rich heritage and natural splendour, offering up enough wonder to fill any Gozo holiday.

One of Gozo’s most iconic landmarks, the massive arch of the Azure Window, stood proudly at Dwejra until 2017, when it was washed away by a heavy storm. Today, Dwejra remains just as beautiful and many still flock to the site to see where the arch stood and to visit the Dwejra Bay and the Inland Sea, a natural lagoon that’s linked to the sea by one small archway through the rock that surrounds it.

Above the red sands of Ramla Bay, you’ll find Calypso’s Cave. Another of Gozo’s treasures that’s steeped in mythology, the cave is thought to be the one mentioned in Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’, the place where Calypso held Odysseus for seven years. Whatever you believe about the cave, the views that it offers over Ramla Bay’s azure waters are undeniably breath-taking.

Of all of the island’s most iconic sites, no Gozo holiday is complete without a visit to the ancient fortified city of Ċittadella. This is the perfect place to step back in time and get a glimpse of Gozo’s past. Unhindered by symbols of the 21st century, the Ċittadella’s walls encompass untouched history.

A place that once offered protection from attack, the city now offers its visitors a wealth of heritage to explore. The military architecture that adorns the city can be admired from across the island as it rises steeply from the landscape, and those who wander its winding streets are gifted with views across Gozo’s stretching countryside. Right at the heart of Ċittadella, the Cathedral of Gozo stands; a striking baroque cathedral dedicated to Santa Marija, or the Assumption of Our Lady. Step inside its impressive limestone walls, then wander on and visit a few of the Ċittadella’s museums to learn more about the history and societies that have shaped this fascinating island.

Photo by Reuben Farrugia