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Unearth history at archaeological sites

Scratch the surface of this beautiful island and you’ll soon find it’s a place steeped in history. The first Gozitans settled on the island back in 5500 BC and their legacy remains in both their iconic temples and their smaller, lesser-known archaeological sites.

From cart ruts etched into ancient stone to Early Bronze Age tombs, Gozo is covered in clues that tell the tale of its past. Arguably the most impressive remnants of Gozo’s rich history are the Ġgantija temples. Standing just outside the town of Xagħra, one of the island’s earliest settlements, the Ġgantija Temples are some of Malta’s best-preserved sites and well worth a visit on any holiday to Gozo. It’s a truly incredible sight to take in, with ancient stone walls encircling two megalithic temples – the South temple and the North temple.

These monoliths truly live up to their name. Ġgantija comes from the Maltese word for giant, reflecting the Gozitan myths that suggest the impressive site was constructed by giants. Despite these myths, and the discovery of spherical stones that are believed to have been used to roll the large stones to the site, its full origin is still a mystery.

Photo courtesy of Visit Gozo